MChelle Sturdivant / Massage Therapist in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Professional and Upscale private practice that caters to the needs of each client differently. From basic relaxation, to medical or sports massage to couples, we do it all affordably without breaking the bank.
Massages $50 everyday!


Active Release Technique (ART) Advanced Training In Oncology And Fragile Client Massage And Birth Injury. Brain Injury Including Stroke Certified Certified In Pre/post Natal Massage Connective Tissue Therapy Cranial Release Technique Therapist Cranial Sacral CranioSacral (SM) Deep Tissue Ear Candling Facials Hand And Foot Reflexology Hospital Massage Infant Massage Massage Cupping Muscle Energy Technique Myofascial Scar Release Nationally Certified NCTMB Orthopedic Massage Pain Relief Pediatric Massage PNF Rehab Therapy Strenth Training . Repetitive Use Injury Technique RUIT Shiatsu Skin Care Spa Treatments Swedish
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